
Georges and Anne are in their eighties. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, Anne has a stroke, and the couple's bond of love is severely tested.
Released | 20 Sep 2012 |
Genres | Drama, Romance |
Runtime | 2 hours, 7 minutes |
Countries | France, Germany, Austria |
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Это для меня простота и гениальность. Я имею в виду фильм Любовь. Он кажется даже примитивным, как Джотто. Тоже простой, прямолинейный… Я очень люблю Джотто и полюбила Ханеке. Мне еще многое нравится, я вообще всеядна. Люблю, восторгаюсь. Но все остальное — ниже, чем Ханеке.
This is simplicity and genius for me. I mean the movie Amour. It seems almost primitive, like Giotto. Also simple, straightforward… I really love Giotto and have grown fond of Haneke. I like many things, I’m quite omnivorous. I love, I admire. But everything else is beneath Haneke.