Kira Muratova
Kira Georgievna Muratova (Ukrainian: Кіра Георгіївна Мура́това; née Korotkova; 5 November 1934 – 6 June 2018; Soroca – Odesa) was a Soviet and Ukrainian film director, screenwriter and actress of Romanian/Jewish descent, known for her unusual directorial style. Muratova's films underwent a great deal of censorship in the Soviet Union, yet still Muratova managed to emerge as one of the leading figures in contemporary Cinema of Ukraine and Russian cinema and was able to build a very successful film career from 1960s onwards. She is People's Artist of Ukraine(1989); Academician of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (1997). Laureate of the Shevchenko National Prize (1993) (in List of laureates at 1993 - № 12); Oleksandr Dovzhenko State Prize (2002). Muratova spent much of her artistic career in Odesa, creating most of her films at Odesa Film Studios. Her work has been described as possibly 'one of the most distinctive and singular oeuvres of cinematic world-making.'
Known for | Directing |
Born | 5 Nov 1934 |
Died | 6 Jun 2018 |
Place of birth | Soroca, Kingdom of Romania (now Moldova) |
Favorite films
Это для меня простота и гениальность. Я имею в виду фильм Любовь. Он кажется даже примитивным, как Джотто. Тоже простой, прямолинейный… Я очень люблю Джотто и полюбила Ханеке. Мне еще многое нравится, я вообще всеядна. Люблю, восторгаюсь. Но все остальное — ниже, чем Ханеке.
This is simplicity and genius for me. I mean the movie Amour. It seems almost primitive, like Giotto. Also simple, straightforward… I really love Giotto and have grown fond of Haneke. I like many things, I’m quite omnivorous. I love, I admire. But everything else is beneath Haneke.
Я четыре раза пересматривала Царя Эдипа. Такое удовольствие чувствовала, что-то божественное. Полюбила как-то заново.
I've watched Oedipus Rex four times. I felt such pleasure, something divine. Fell in love with it all over again.